Have you ever seen the show Chopped on the Food Network? The show starts with four contestants and progresses through a three course meal: appetizer, dinner, and dessert. The contestants are giving a mystery basket at the beginning of each course and instructed to use the ingredients in the basket to create the course. Whichever dish/chef the judges like the least is "chopped" and doesn't progress to the next course. The mystery baskets are full of interesting and challenging ingredients, often unexpected choices for that meal (what would you do with cinnamon gummy bears for a dinner entree?).
Your next food challenge is called the Chopped Challenge. I'm going to give you a "mystery basket" list of ingredients and you have to use all of these ingredients in your course. You can use other ingredients as well, and it can be any course (snack, appetizer, entree, dessert, or even drink if that works). Your recipes can be your own creation or a recipe you found, but hopefully will meet the Good standard. Take a picture of your course and post it on the blog when you are done. If we have enough entries, we'll vote on a winner. Are you brave enough to peak into the "mystery basket"...?
Your mystery ingredients are: low or fat-free plain yogurt, salmon, quinoa, berries, and dark chocolate.
All of the above ingredients are considered "super foods" so I'm expecting super results! Happy Cooking!
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